S parameter method: Waveguide sample holder fixture 8.2-40 GHz

Wide frequency range low cost solution with unique one-lever operation

  • Easy operation and repeatable results
  • Low introducing cost
  • Ideal for small samples

Traditionally, waveguide sample holder measurement includes flange connections, which require a skilled operator and take time. Even with very careful operation, significant cable movement is unavoidable while changing connections, which causes measurement errors. With the unique onelever operation feature of the new fixture, waveguide sample holder measurement becomes very easy and the cable movement can be within only 1 cm in the whole measurement process including TRL calibration. Thus, repeatable results can be obtained efficiently regardless of operator skill levels.

About technical information, refer to "S parameter method technology overview."

System Configuration Example

  • Keysight Streamline series USB Network Analyzer P5007A (44 GHz)
  • Keysight Material Measurement Suite N1500A (opt.001)
  • Rband Waveguide Sample holder Fixture WSF-R (26.5 – 40 GHz)
  • RF cable 2.92 mm
  • Windows PC

Product Line-up

WSF Series(8.2 - 40 GHz)

Model Frequency (GHz) Waveguide
Holder inner dimensions (mm) Holder length (mm)Connectors
WSF-X 8.2-12.4 WR90 22.86 X 10.16 10 2.92 mm (f)
WSF-P 12.4-18 WR62 15.80 X 7.90 7.5
WSF-K 18-26.5 WR42 10.67 X 4.32 5
WSF-R 26.5-40 WR28 7.11 X 3.56 3

Operation manual

WSF Series

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